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pre impact 911

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:39 pm
by Jonathan

I hope some of you guys speak a little English, I know Eric does as we met at Eriksberg.

I am looking for a pre impact 911 coupe... if anynone hears anything pleae let me know.



Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:19 pm
by alf3001
Hi Jonathan,

There's one for sale in Båstad. It's been on Blocket for a while, and considering that they usually go within minutes, one might assume there might be something not quite right with this one. But, hey... It might be worth checking out. You might even get a better price than what the seller's asking :D ... =1&city=15


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:18 pm
by Henrik
I know what's wrong with that car. The colour is different shades of yellow - and it's a Sportomatic - though not advertised. Rumours tell me the seller is willing to go below the advertised price.


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:07 pm
by alf3001
Yup! I've heard the same, but anyway... sporto's are kinda cool I think. A weird solution to not building an automatic gearbox, and they're getting rare since many people throw 'em out in favour of a manual.

Well, with a sporto and a not-so-good paint you might be able to get a really decent price. After all, it's an E. Question is what the interior's like. If it's like the paint, then it might be a bit of a job to get the car in decent shape.

Good luck


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:35 pm
by Jonas Y
Here is a Coupe for sale, but the price ... well i don't know ...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:29 am
by Jonathan
Hi Guys, thank you for your help so far. I had seen the blocket carsand had thought as much so. For the white car, looks good but an extreeeeme price for a non special car I think.

I can take my time, I waited three years for a 356...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:26 am
by tommyrecaro
This is quite an old ad, but looks like a cool car.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:21 am
by mposch
Gosse! Jonas, du har hittat vâr "kompis" Tomas Hynne!!!

Here is a Coupe for sale, but the price ... well i don't know ...

Det är ju den goe "HYNNE" som försökte sälja Eric´s och min bil pâ Mallorca i vâras!!!! Att han orkar! Med spanska saluskyltar och allt, undra vems den bilen är (och om han vet att den är till salu?).

Jonathan, i dont know about that car (it might be good, it should be considering the price), but the guy selling it definatly not seems seriuos, he has a homepage, mallorcaclassics or something where he puts cars up for sale. The problem is that alot of them are not for sale, the owner has no idea that he is advertising them or they have been sold already.

It seems that he finds old-ads on the net and then make them look like his own, my car was advertised for 22´euros ín sweden and he put it up for 33´ on his page, 5 months after i bought it, so walk away!

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:51 am
by Jonathan
Thanks for the info on Tomas Hynne,

its always good to know the scams out there....!

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:10 pm
by Jonas Y
:D Aha, that was why it was so unusually expensiv, I first thought the body was hand made in mithril by the Moria dwarfs - super light and also invisible for speedcameras all according to JJR buffs.

Seriously, there is a guy named Cristian Leppé (not sure about the spelling) who specializes in finding old 911s to clients. I think a bunch of persons on this forum have used his service. I don't know his number, but someone around here shold, if you need it.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:58 pm
by mposch
ha, ha :D , kollade pâ bilden igen, ser ni att högertorkare fattas samt dimljusen.... men man kan ju inte fâ allt för 450´ men det är kanske förhandlingsbart. Han släpper den nog för 435´om man fixar torkarn själv..

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:03 am
by Jonas Y
ha, ha nr 2. Kunde inte låta bli att gå in på På killens webbsidan Där kan man bl.a läsa: "Utnyttjar vi Internet rätt är möjligheterna oändliga". :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:54 am
by mposch
ha, ha, det inkluderar väl inte bara att sälja andras bilar, utan även en oändlig möjlighet till snabb och diskret distribution av Viagra :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:23 pm
by Harry
Får ingen hit på

Kan ingen ringa och säga att de är utomordentligt intresserade och vill se bilen?:)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:31 am
by Jonas Y
Harry A wrote:Får ingen hit på
Sorry, blev en punkt för mycket, skall vara:

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:32 am
by Jonathan
Hi Guys,

I have found the same car on a number of web sites.... seems that every garage in the land has a posibility of selling....

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:05 pm
by Jonas Y
Wonder if Enrike (the owner according to this ad) knows about the Hynne deal?

Anyway; cool car.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:18 pm
by Guest
If this one still is for sale (it´s been up for a while) it seems like a better buy;

It dosent seem to hard/expensive to put back to original spec.

The Salar guy is a friend of Hynne..... i googled a lot about them when they had my car fore sale and (for a while), dident want to take the photos off their page. Finally it was all resolved and dispite some hard words in his letters, he wished me good luck with the car in the end.....

I first tought it was something really seriuosly wrong with them, but my impression later is that they are just some dreamers, wanting to make a few bucks on the price diffrences between the markets, and they dident realize or care that they broke the law once or twice on the road to eternal richdom. Who dosent want to sell a 22´ 911 in spain a week later for 33´ without even owning it? It all works on the paper but i dont think they sold a car yet.

We all know that an old 911 is more likely to cost you 11´euros in a week than earning it :lol:

(there just is no such thing as a free lunch)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:23 pm
by mposch
GLömde visst logga in, det ár jag som skrivit ovan.


ni vet ju hur det blir efter lunch.....

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:21 pm
by Olle

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:49 pm
by alf3001
When going to Skokloster this weekend we talked about that car.

I was in Karlstad a week ago, and had to drag a colleague of mine to the local Porsche dealer to take a look at what he's got.

The car was bought from Lasse Jönsson (the dealer) in -67 and last year the owner sold it back. Everything is original, and I mean everything. Things that usually fall off the car after almost 40 years are still there. Heat chambers are original, and so are the heater flap boxes (?) that usually clog up after a couple of years. Interior looks great, with some minor flaws on the driver's seat, but that's really minor. Engine compartment looks like new. If I had the money I would go for this one.

The only bad thing you possibly could say about the car is that it's been resprayed, but again... That's minor.

If you get a chance you should go and talk to him, Lasse Jönsson. A really nice guy.


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:21 pm
by Jonas Y
Very expencive, but here is a ad from the Classic Motor mag (sep 05)
Porsche 911T 2,2l 1969
30.000 Euro
Olavi Keskitalo (Iittala, FINLAND)

It looked kind of brownich on the insufficient picture in the mag.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:42 pm
by Jonathan
HI Guys,

I have been trying to find out more about the Karlstad car, with more images. Was the respray good? and was the under paint taken car off? did you ask by any chance?

Do you know what engine it was... I just wrote to the dealer again to find out more. It seems that all dealers have been in Germany for the past week or so.
the only thing I saw was that the car needed a good set of fuchs to set it off.

I found a nice 356 at Borås Porsche center yesterday... I was almost tempted...

Jonas, I could,nt get the link

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:08 pm
by alf3001

Well, when I was there I was drooling on the -73 RS and was a bit distracted. The respray looked really good, but I really can't tell you if it's a bare metall job. It looked really smooth, though.

It's a T and the engine was said to be all original, and don't think they've tore the engine apart when they did the paint. Maybe it wasn't needed?

Unfortunately I don't know when I'm going there the next time, otherwise I could have brought the camera and sent you a couple of pictures.


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:51 pm
by Jonas Y
Jonathan wrote:Jonas, I could,nt get the link
Sorry, there was no link, just a oldstyle mag ad.